
I’m writing this from the only secure place I can find.

It won’t stay secure for long though.

They’ll find me.

They always do.

I can sense that they’re close even now. I can hear their otherworldly screeching. I can feel the earth trembling footfalls that betray their size and number. I can even smell the odd mix of cookie and human waste that the littlest of the bunch seems to always exude.

I am larger and faster but they outnumber me and their stamina is almost supernatural.

I once had a partner to help fend them off but she went for supplies awhile back and, well, I fear she will never return.

They’re close now. And they’re calling to me in their mocking tone.

“Dad-deeeeeee… Dad-deeee… We know you’re here Daddy… We know where you are…”

I’m so frightened.

And there’s no escape.

7 comments on “Fear

  1. Marc Fauvet says:

    brilliant ! I’d say good luck but then you asked for it… :mrgreen:

  2. lenorelook says:

    Hilarious! You need a PDK (Personal Survival Kit).

  3. I can see you’re ready to install a panic room… 🙂

  4. Saija says:

    =D =D =D =D Thank you for the laughter!!! =)

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